One of the many reasons why I don’t do a lot of Financial Domination anymore is the lack of commitment on the part of the money slave which is very insulting to a Financial Dominatrix and I KNOW I’m not the only one because these are extremely common Financial Domme complaints. I personally am sick and fucking tired of money pigs complaining about the amount they are told to give.
Gentlemen, and I use that term extremely loosely, you will never win what little respect you may get from a Financial Domme by starting off with NEGOTIATING. Understand something boyz, this is not a fucking board room and nothing is done ‘by the book’. Actually I’ll rephrase that, it is done by the book it’s just not the book you’re used to. It’s the Domme’s book and we reserve the right to change the rules of said rule book at any time without prior notice.
We don’t give a flying fuck about your less than glamorous financial situation, if you have these issues you shouldn’t be seeking out the services of the Financial Domme in the first place. And yet so many of you tools do just that, you say you want to be blackmailed for example and then you squawk at the terms of your contract if you’re lucky enough to even have one. That’s to say nothing of trying to negotiate a smaller payment after you’ve agreed to a particular amount.
I’m sure you’re noticing the tone in this post. There is nothing worse than sub that’s topping from the bottom. I will say this again, if you can’t afford to play the game don’t play it. If you don’t have the money but still want to feel a bit of the terror you’re seeking, get a phone Domme to do a blackmail role-play with you only. But make sure you tell her it’s only a role-play. And always remember, it’s a small community, your name WILL get around as being a cheap, loser, deadbeat and no Financial Domme with touch you.
So here are the top 5 ways to insult a Financial Domme (not in any order):
- Never negotiate (unless it’s at the start of the contract)
- Never ask for reduced rates on ANYTHING including per minute phone rates
- Never say you’ll send a payment and then not send it
- Never, ever WHINE
- Never request naked photos in return for money
Now edited to include: - Never ask for a refund (seriously? seriously?)
- Never try to get free IM chat (Princess Mindy said it best; ” just because you ride the short bus doesn’t mean we all do!” and if you don’t get that, there’s your sign)
Most of you fall in to the role-play category and need to learn not to waste a Financial Domme’s time. Financial Domination is only for those with the money and the balls. And the balls are always eventually castrated so proceed with extreme caution, cause you WILL get what paid for. And boys? Those teeth really hurt when then sink in.
Dick Grayson
HAHAHAHAH. 6. Be a confident man who doesn’t give entitled lazy women money just for existing, findoms can’t stand it when you tell them no.
Dr Sue
Or this…