I’m always being asked why I don’t do much Domination work anymore. It’s not that I don’t do it. I do. I will always be a Domme first and a shrink second but it is my honest opinion that there are no worthwhile male subs anymore.
Remember this is my opinion, I know some of you boys will be offended by this but I am constantly being shown evidence to back up my opinion. I have had several boys ask to serve recently and each one has proven to only be in to their kink for themselves. Not a true submissive. Most of you gentlemen who feel you’re submissive don’t even know the meaning of the word let alone how to be one.
Because D & s is on a sliding scale, just as any sexuality is, you boys ‘think’ you’re submissive or are having momentary submissive feelings and search out a Domme proclaiming your ever loving servitude and then it loses it’s thrill and you do as my dear friend Queen Kitty calls it and poof! Poof! You’re gone, you’re bored or you don’t like the fact that all I want is your money. Those of you boys who read The Review and have read my article on How To Serve an Online Domme know that when you break it all down there is NO OTHER WAY TO SERVE from a distance other than financially.
I recently deleted my Evil Dr Sue Twitter account and unfollowed and blocked you boys who do just what I mentioned above, you serve when it’s convenient for you. It doesn’t work that way in my world. I’m old school. Yes some may say I’m just plain old. Doesn’t matter, the point is I know true D & s when I see it and I haven’t seen any of it for several years now.
When you boys get pissy thinking ‘all these Dommes want is money,’ use your god-given brains, what the fuck else do you have to offer? Seriously. Yes most of us could use a sissy-maid, someone to mow the lawn, do the dishes but when you’re 2000 miles away that’s not likely to happen. So what does that leave? Platitudes and words of flattery? We hear that ALL THE TIME! I call it Eddie Haskell syndrome. (For those of you who are fresh out of the womb, Eddie Haskell was a character on an old 50’s sitcom called Leave it to Beaver. You probably heard that title in a porn parody or two. No I’m not that old but I did watch re-runs as a kid. Eddie was known for being a very obvious suck-up. Wikipedia puts it perfectly, “…insincere sycophants.” For example, “That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing, Mrs. Cleaver.”) That’s all well and good, and yes we love hearing how amazing we all are but it doesn’t pay the bills. Spoiler Alert boys! We have to pay the bills and get shit done the same as YOU!
I also recently deleted my Amazon Wishlist and I’ve noticed many of the ladies have as well. Why? Because there comes a time when you have all the ‘crap’ you need. If we want cash it’s because we should be able to live off of YOU. Pay for my mani-pedi’s, pay my mortgage, pay for my car make yourself truly useful. You can call it whatever you want financial domination, gold digging (that makes me laugh) or just plain being greedy again, no one cares it just comes down to plain, cold, hard facts.
So let’s see some changes this year, not for me cause I’m just too skeptical. Instead, do it for yourselves. Get over the, ‘all she wants is my money,’ whine. Yes that IS all we want. What do YOU get out of it? For the most part NOTHING, and that’s the way it should be. As another wonderful Domme Ms Toxic Goddess says A LOT, (which proves you don’t listen) we’re not your Mother, your Wife, your Girlfriend, or your Friend. We are the exact opposite of them. We’re here to remind of you of who you REALLY are. We don’t care about you, that’s your family’s job. So instead of getting all butt hurt over our demands maybe you need to ask YOURSELF a question first. Am I really submissive, or just feeling submissive. There’s a difference. And the second one wastes our time. That’s what phone Domme’s are for! You’re feeling submissive so call one! She gets paid, you get your pathetic needs met, it’s a win-win! Just don’t proclaim servitude and bug the living shit out of us and expect our attention for FREE.
I’m taking the word Loyalty very, very seriously this year. If you’re not planning to be a loyal, reliable sub ‘out there’ working for ME, then just phone a Domme. It’s actually very simple. However because I know you boys won’t just take my advice I decided the first full-length hypno mp3 to be released by me is going to be programming you boys to be loyal, reliable and devoted to your Domme! It will be able to be used by ANY sub or Domme to program better behavior. I actually took the complaints I received from Dommes on the How to be a Good Pet show and addressed them in this recording. It’ll be released in the next couple of days.
In the meantime boys remember this please, I’m a very busy person. Dr Sue is not a character, a gimmick or my schtick it’s who I am. I have real clients that I work with, I’m hosting a brand new podcast called Exposed with Dr Sue, I will be answering questions on Kink E Magazine and will be a regular on KEM Top Talk Web TV, in addition to creating and recording hypno mp3’s and living my cuckoldress lifestyle so don’t approach me with your servitude unless you have read the above and get it!
Because this old bitch is all about herself and unless you’re contributing to my bottom line in some way, you may exit stage left. Yes loyalty works both ways but I think I more than live up to my end of the bargain.
I just commented on the “Female Supremacy” article. My comment isn’t even approved yet and here I go again lol! Just a quick one this time. Dr Sue they are out there! I think that there’s more than we know actually. I believe many are afraid of taking the first step never mind jumping in the deep end. Who isn’t afraid? The time wasting not even submissive at all jackasses, that’s who. And I’m not talking about the ones that tribute a little here and there…serve for a bit then disappear and reappear. I don’t really mind them that much. They don’t take any work lol. It’s every findomme’s arch nemesis the time waster that burns my ass. The really good ones always win. Ignore ignore ignore then you blast them with the verbal vitriol that they wanted all along. Score one for the time waster. BUT I have a few that are just what the Doctor ordered. A real shot of submissive penicillin in the arm to ward off the feeling of despair that there aren’t any more good subs out there. My number one has to be Bitch Boy Yuri. I think his blog is a great read. http://yurichastity.blogspot.be/ He’s close to being my top tributer. If you add together all the custom videos, gifts and sheer volume of c4s clips purchased then maybe he is the top. But what makes him number one is his true submissiveness. I make sure he gets his rocks off because he makes it really fun for me. No whining. No delays in following orders. He’s game for anything I want to do to him. Obedient to a fault. He loves it when I tell him stuff like that. He equally loves it when I break him down and verbally assault him to his core…deep…hurtful. I wish every domme had a Yuri.
Although I have only been in the scene a year, I tend to take a more old school approach myself. It’s funny because I just wrote a similar blog describing the “insta-sub” epidemic. They don’t really want to serve, or don’t know what that means, or just want time for free when they could really just have a session and pay or phone me on my line to get their dicks wet. After all these so called “submissives” message me and I see how they hop from Domme to Domme, I have honestly just given up on taking subs on as my property. If he’s serious, he’ll find a way to impress me, and will go through my long UC period. But alas, it’s all about them and they can’t wait.
I am also so sick of this hearing the “all you want is money” bullshit. I can understand just taking money and then never talking to a boy again…or promising a session and just taking the money. However, I usually give tasks, assignments, etc. I’ve had a boy i’ve done several sessions with online, and he says I’m too expensive, can we be friends, all you care about is money. BITCH I’m not online looking for friends. I have plenty of friends. I’m about to get rid of my public wishlist as well because quite frankly the only things I want on there cost at least over $300 and most guys want to get their shits and giggles buying me multiple pairs of shoes and lingerie. FUCK THAT. DO YOU THINK I SIT AROUND IN LINGERIE AND HEELS ALL DAY?! Give me cash so I can go out with my bf on your dime. Or better yet, fund my engagement ring. Great blog. You read my mind, and I want to set fire to those wankers who consider themselves “submissives”. >.<