I certainly hope all you cucks-in-training did your homework from part one. If you did you should be noticing a change in your wife. She should be showing more signs of confidence and even being a little more demanding of you. This is good, this is what we want. If you’ve built up her self-esteem then you should even be noticing her becoming interested in sex again and perhaps even acting a bit sexier.
Now just because you’re about to go in to phase two doesn’t mean you stop doing what I taught you so far. I want you to continue treating her like a Queen because she IS your Queen so keep going with your Queen building only now we’re going to add some new ideas.
I’m hoping that the two of you are more intimate now. In theory if you’ve worked it right you should be having more sex than you did before. For some, you might notice a change in your wife because she’s becoming more selfish sexually. All of this tells you you’re going in the right direction. If you haven’t noticed any great changes yet, that’s okay. It just means it might take you a bit longer but like I told you before you have to have patience during this process. Once you begin to notice these changes you can start introducing more fun in to the game. Now we want to start putting her in positions of power so she can get used to being dominant.
For many women who know nothing of BDSM they get a bad taste in their mouth when you use the word dominant because it brings up images of women with whips and chains or worse. Now you may love that image but remember if you don’t know all the different aspects of BDSM and I’m assuming your wife doesn’t she doesn’t understand that you can be sensually dominating. It’s actually much sexier and more seductive to be that way but we have to work past stereotypes.
So how we get her in to the mindset of being dominant without scaring the living crap out of her is by placing her in positions of fun power. So you’re going to start role playing in the bedroom. This may feel awkward at first if you’re not used to playing these types of games but you’ll soon get past the weirdness and start having fun. If you already do role playing in the bedroom you’ll be aces with this.
You want to start by placing her in fun positions of power such as cop and prisoner where you’re the prisoner and she’s the cop. It gets her used to being in power and it’s pretty obvious what her role is and she doesn’t have to think too hard to play that part.
You can also do other role plays were she’s the teacher you’re the naughty schoolboy, she’s the doctor you’re the patient – you can see where I’m going with this. This makes domination fun and she won’t think about being DOMINANT! Any role playing game that puts her in a position of power is what we’re going for here. This will also feed your submissiveness and get you off the hook of having to be alpha in the bedroom.
Now the other thing you’re going to do is introduce her to sex toys if she hasn’t played with them already. If you have some toys or she has a vibrator it’ll be easier to bring them in to the bedroom because they won’t scare her.
If she’s never had or used a sex toy in her life you may find her reluctant to play with one. That’s why you’re not going to take her shopping with you you’re going to surprise her with one. Remember what I taught you in part one, we don’t want her over analyzing everything which could happen if you take your wife to a sex shop for the first time in her life.
No you’re going to go shopping by yourself. You’re going to find a dildo not a vibrator. You’re going to look for one that is preferably silicone as it’s better for you from a health perspective. Plus you don’t want the room or her vag smelling like a tire factory. You want to look for a dildo that is realistic not pink with flowers. If your dream is for her to have sex with a black male then get a black dildo. That will be more for your pleasure at this point than hers.
What you need to remember when toy shopping is this; make sure the dildo is bigger in size than you but don’t get KONG THE MAGNIFICENT or something that is so freaking big you show it to her and she passes out. Men who had never bought toys for their wives used to come in to my store and pick out these gigantic dildos and I’d have to stop them or they’d end up with the thing being used as a baseball bat upside their heads. In some cases boys, bigger isn’t necessarily better and at this stage it’s definitely NOT better. So get it about one and a half to two sizes bigger than you in the color of your choice and buy lube!
Now if your wife is totally fine with sex toys you can take her with you to pick out the dildo she wants with the same criteria that I just gave you. It just makes the process easier and actually more fun when you go toy shopping together.
So you have your toy and your lube now what? If your wife is used to toys you start using it on her during your bedroom romps. Guys with open-minded wives have it way easier so I’m going to concentrate on you cucks-in-training with less experienced ladies.
When you first introduce it to her make sure you’re in the middle of a good romp in the sack. Don’t whip it out and pretend to be some sort of swash buckling pirate. Put it under the covers ahead of time or your pillow to warm it up. Then you’re going to just run it up and down the inside of her thighs and lightly over her labia. We don’t just grab and ram it in.
She’s going to wonder what it is and you can show her. Tell her you got her a gift because she deserves to know what it feels like to be truly ravaged by a decent sized dick. Thus starts your foray in to disparaging your own penis. Don’t tell her you think your dick is useless just tell her you want her to feel what it’s like to be fucked by something bigger than you.
Lube it up good even if she’s really turned on. No matter what foreign object it is, it needs to be lubed at this stage because it will feel weird especially if it’s her first time. Her fear may cause her to dry up. The last thing you want is for this to feel like you’re trying to fit a dry, square peg in a round hole.
Don’t just ram it in her either. Remember she’s been used to your cute, little willy for so long if you were to just ram it in it will hurt. Push it in-in small increments. This gives her vagina time to open up to the size. Once you’re all the way in you can start thrusting, gently. Again we don’t want to give her the pile driving Mandingo experience her first time. Just let her get used to the size.
The most important thing even more experienced toy users need to do at this stage is name your dildo. Yes you heard me right you need to name it and we’re not calling it fluffy. You want a male name for it. This may sound insane and awkward but the reason why you’re naming the dildo is for psychological reasons.
Let’s say you name it Bob. Now when you’re having sex this gives her the ability to say she wants Bob tonight. This has a multi-layer effect. First of all it gets her used to have a third entity in your sex life. It’s also fun for you during these beginning stages. In your own mind, as you’re using it on her, you can look at it and feel as though another male is having sex with your wife. It can also become a game where say she’s fixing dinner and you whisper in her ear, you want Bob tonight? You see Bob now becomes a third party in your bedroom even though it’s a hunk of silicone. You also get that small humiliation thrill when she says, “No I want Bob tonight.”
The role playing and the introduction of the dildo/third party in your bedroom will start to get your Queen in to the mind-set of wanting someone bigger than you while putting you in your place by being somewhat dominant in the bedroom.
Do your homework and don’t rush things. If you rush you’ll take twenty steps backwards and could possibly get her to reject anything you want to do altogether.
Exciting idea. i already tried something like this with dildo. Unfortunetly its dont working yet.