Well a gaff can mean a lot of different things but we’ll obviously be discussing the adult version. So no I don’t mean a house, or a fishing pole and we won’t be climbing utility poles, in this case we’re talking about those dandy little panties worn by transexuals and female impersonators that hide male junk. That’s right my boys who wanna be girls, it hides your peepee and gives you a very smooth feminine look.
Gaff’s are fabulous for my cross-dressing and t-girl wanna-be’s. Nothing looks worse if you’re wearing a tight dress and you have it all goin on, your breast forms are perfect, your stocking seams are straight and then you have an obvious bulge where there shouldn’t be one. Gaff’s take care of that annoying little problem by pulling and holding your penis between your legs. No they don’t hurt so for all you sissy, sissies out there you won’t be uncomfortable. Quite the contrary, all the boy/girls who I’ve spoken with who wear them LOVE them. I have yet to hear a negative comment about them.
So for you nasty boys who want to hide their toys a gaff is the only way to go. I’ve included a pic here so you can see them. Actually in my opinion this pic is crappy cause they hold you much better than how this guy is modelling them. I think he was a reluctant model trying desperately to show some form of manhood. You can arrange yourself to get a much smoother and more feminine look.
Paul Kiefer
I’ve had sex with a drag queen. He was petite and gorgeous and I believed he was a woman, but when we got to the hotel I found out that she was actually a man. So I just went through with it and now I love sucking cock.