Chris writes:
“I’ve been thinking a lot about sexual dynamics and where the world is headed right now. Actually, I think that however the media tries to sugar-coat it, males are currently being deprived of their sexual power and everything is headed towards servicing the hypergamous tendencies of women. I also think, however, that this is the right way to go and is actually the natural state of humankind.
While men’s sexual interest is to spread their genes, women are (and should be) the judges of which males are worthy of procreating. And of course when given free hand (i.e. without the constraints imposed by the patriarchy), women will only mate with Alpha Males, who constitute a minority of men: the most attractive, strong, tall men who do not need “resources” or “power” to be attractive, and whom women desire sexually simply because of their top-tier genetics.
For us betas, it is of course a hard pill to swallow that we are deemed unfit for reproduction, but it is something that must be accepted. Beta men suffer terribly because society holds a standard before them that they can never attain due to their beta genetics, and not being Alpha is deemed as having failed at life.
The way forward is, I think, a social acceptance of the fact that most men will never be attractive to women. For these men, the path of servitude should be something socially accepted, so that instead of trying to be something they are not, they could fill their role in society in a respectable way.
I think the ideal (but yet very far-off) version of this would be a society where Alphas live as breeding specimens with the sole duty of pleasuring women sexually and impregnating them when a woman desires a child. And us Betas would work in servitude to women and the Alphas – a good model would be where each Beta could apply or be assigned to be owned by a woman and her Alpha, providing for them financially and taking care of household chores.
I’d be interested to hear your views on this topic, and also in what do you suggest for a beta male trying to find one such couple to serve today.”
First of all Chris, thank you for writing in and let me know how you’ve been doing since we last communicated. I was very impressed to hear that you took my advice and instead of wallowing in what you don’t have you literally took lemons and made lemonade by becoming an affluent male.
What I told Chris essentially was that instead of whining like most men do about not being the alpha male on the book cover of a Harlequin Romance™ novel with the 10” dick and billowing hair the best way to get in to the pool of women he wanted to be in was to make money. And that’s what he did.
Red Green a redneck character created by Canadian comic Steve Smith, (stupid af imho) has a tag line that says, “If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.”
And my advice is based on that line. If you can’t be the alpha male she wants to fuck you can at least make her life easier in other ways. The first and easiest way is financially. And for those of you whiners in the back row who say they can’t because making money is too hard, well then get used to being alone and saying, “Would you like fries with that?” and rubbing one off in your parents basement.
Here’s another pop-culture reference that illustrates it as well. In the movie Scarface, Tony Montana is sitting at the outside bar with Manolo explaining how basically the U.S. works with his famous line, “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” Money will buy you a certain amount of power.
Now don’t get me wrong, all the money in the world isn’t going to make you alpha or grow your dick BUT it can buy you the attention of the women you crave so badly. Is the attention sincere? Probably not but you can’t always get what you want.
In my opinion though, hypergamy puts women in a submissive and disparaged position by only coming up OFF OF MEN and I’m never down with that. Whatever you want to call it, hypergamy or gold digging, the idea of coming up based on social class (men’s social class) has been going on for millennia. There’s really no difference between that and arranged marriages. The guy with the most goats got the prize of the female. Sure maybe hypergamy gives the woman a teeny bit more power than that but not by much.
You see Chris, in your scenario, you have alpha males and alpha females as cohabitating and living some blissful life eating Alphaghetti™ and Alphabits™ with their alpha dogs and alpha cats. In reality there can only be one alpha dog in the house. I could never live with an alpha male because I’d kill him. You also keep referencing, “work in servitude to women and the Alphas,” like the woman is second to the alpha male, what happened to alpha females? See I’m not diggin’ on your hierarchy here Chris.
Plus you’re also not looking at the reality of what you pointed out. If these men are for breeding purposes only, why would they ‘settle down’ with any female, submissive or dominant? Alpha males are the seed spreaders that’s why they have a hard time being monogamous. It’s why women who fall for them end up months or years later wondering why their man is cheating on them. It’s because seed spreaders gotta spread that seed baby, it’s what they were born to do.
I’m not saying all alphas can’t coexist together of course there are exceptions to all rules but for the most part you don’t put two bulls in the same pen unless you want a fight. But I also think you have a skewed idea of what being alpha is.
I could see a compromise in your ideal world model where the alpha males are used for breeding purposes only and the beta males serve everyone, including the beta females.
Maybe what’s more important to look at in this entire discussion is WHY women have had to come up any way they can off of men. If men would stop fearing women and people of color the world would be a lot easier to live in. But unfortunately what men fear most is the loss of their perceived power.
Perhaps what really needs to happen is more of what you said about society allowing males to be who they are instead of pushing these ridiculous ideals on them. Thus helping to eliminate the scourge of domestic violence caused by males trying to be something they inherently aren’t. And the deep scars it leaves on the souls of the beta males who try so hard to be a ‘real man’ when in fact they always were.
As for my advice on how to serve an alpha couple, I would say stop trying to limit your scope to an alpha couple which will be hard to find. Just serve in the best way you can, EVERYONE you can. Otherwise I’d suggest a cuckold relationship for you where you can serve everyone as I just mentioned but still be in a loving relationship with a strong woman at the helm.
“what men fear most is the loss of their perceived power” Amen. Good advice at the end.
Thanks Cheryl!!
Submissive males have the best life once they embrace who they are and no longer feel ashamed about their urges to serve dominate alpha women. You can get a job with a female boss, volunteer helping female political candidates, find a women you can serve emotionally and financially, or just pay a dominatrix. So many ways to feel good about yourself.