I get accused of hating men on a frequent basis and I understand how from an outsider point-of-view dominant women look as though they are man haters but in reality that’s not even close to being …
The Forgotten Women of BDSM
Most of the femme domme world is occupied by submissive males. And in the world of masters the ratio tends to be a fifty-fifty split between female and male. So where does that leave the submissive …
Hypergamy is Not Female Empowerment
Chris writes: "I've been thinking a lot about sexual dynamics and where the world is headed right now. Actually, I think that however the media tries to sugar-coat it, males are currently being …
Domme or Psychopath?
I figured this one would raise a few eyebrows but I’m not doing it so you doubt your Dom/Domme. In fact, during the many years I’ve been studying psychopathy I always found the similarities quite …
Domme Differences
Tom wrote this in an email: Beyond the difference between lifestyle and pro domination, there seems to me to be an ever growing rift between what i would consider "real" domination and the approach …
Are Dominatrixes Sex Workers?
Irony; the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated. A dominatrix walks in to a …
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