I’ve said it on the show and I’ll say it again here I LOVE PAT!! <3
Why would I love someone who argues with me on certain articles? Because he’s thought provoking. He’s not another ‘yes’ man automatically assuming that everything that is said is gospel and he’s done it again and since my rant yesterday I found it rather timely. He suggested it as an article topic and I think he’s made a very valid point and his ideas bare some serious thought.
Here’s what he wrote:
Hi Dr Sue,
It seems you can’t read a femdom blog anywhere these days that doesn’t go in the female supremacy or FLR route. The themes are always the same:
- Women should own and rule everything
- Wives should wear the pants at home
- Men should be made to suffer as women have suffered
- Complete role reversal with men as the second sex.
You get the idea. Anyway, it seems to me that all of these desires stem from an inferiority complex on the part of these women. They are so bitter about what was once “The Patriarchy” that they want to disenfranchise, objectify and degrade all males in the present. They believe they can make things right by oppressing men in the modern age. If they can just put men in their place once and for all then that will prove that they are better than men or at least as good.
But they’re fighting ghosts. The men that did these things to women are dead and gone. For the last 30 years we’ve been bending over backwards to build up women and girls. And it’s working. There’s never been a better time to be female. I just don’t get what they are so angry about.
So, here’s my question. Is female supremacy linked to an inferiority complex in women? If so, is this the best way to go about rectifying it?
I think for some the answer is yes. It could actually be inferiority along with low self-esteem and in so doing they then over compensate. Now before I have all my girls screaming at me, please note I said ‘for some’. In my opinion there are women who truly believe and are living their lives this way that are great examples of the concept. But for some, they have taken the concept and gone berserk. This is the reason why I said in my rant yesterday that I’m now reversing my thoughts on Female Supremacy because I witness so many of these women, who in my opinion give ‘women’ a bad name, period.
The problem is there will always be radical extremists in EVERYTHING! And they will always be the ones getting the attention. It’s these women who make the whole concept of Female Supremacy leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth.
I was talking to one of my clients yesterday and he made a valid point, and I’m not saying this to generalize or to pigeon hole anyone but it was his observation as well as mine after talking to thousands of people over the years that most in the adult industry, any part of it, were abused in some way in their lives. Now I’ll take that one step further and say that a vast majority over the age of 30 no matter what industry they are in have been abused. So doesn’t it stand to reason that there will be an over compensation by anyone who’s been abused, who is embracing Domination for the first time to try to regain lost control from their abusive past. Now of course this isn’t true for everyone, it’s just an observation I’ve made and so did he as he is very much in the business.
So short answer Pat, yes, long answer is it of course depends on who you’re talking to. As for rectifying it all anyone can do is offering education and information on the subject and hope that it gets heard. Don’t call attention to the radical ones but do call attention to people who are sane about their beliefs.
Now I know some of you ladies might be pissed about this article. That’s cool, that’s what the comment section is for and please be my guest and let me know your views. But try to do it in a civil manner. It really is a thought provoking idea.
Princess Sheridan,
You are talking about a fetish. The question I posed to Dr Sue was about the ideology. Femdom need not even enter the equation. It was about female supremacy as a belief system.
What does it say about someone’s psychology who really believes she is superior to half of the species? Words like narcissist, egomaniac, sociopath, delusional come to mind.
A female supremacist may be one or all of these things. But at the core, I think it is an over compensation for her own deep seated inferiority complex. The submissive men who believe in it certainly have an inferiority complex. I agree with you on that. But it works the other way around too.
If I feel deficient inside I can deal with it in a couple of basic ways. I can profess my feelings of deficiency by saying, “I’m nothing, I’m unworthy, I’m inferior” or I can compensate for it and puff myself up by saying “I am better than you all.” Submissive men use the former while female supremacists use the latter.
Princess Sheridan
No. It’s the sub’s belief in Female Superiority that drives it…his ideology…not the other way around. Replace “belief” with fantasy and “ideology” with fetish and now it’s a realistic conversation. And happy subs they are too. All worship without the self loathing super personal humiliation cravings. Not that they don’t work hand in hand sometimes too. But the fella that fantasizes about a world where all women are above all men and must serve their every wants and needs is drawn to dommes who project that attitude more than ones who don’t. Much ado about nothing Pat. It’s not over compensation for an inferiority complex…just scratching an itch for Goddess worshipers.
You’ve obviously missed the point of the article and the question I posed. The question was actually about the ideology spouted by many women, not about a male fetish. You tried to reverse it and make it about male fetish. I don’t care about that. They can wack off to whatever they like. But there’s a deeper issue here that you seem unable to grasp. Try reading the article again without arousing your defense mechanisms.
Princess Sheridan
I was afraid of this. I believe I understand your position on the subject fully but you are upset because I don’t agree with you. How about I explain My position like this: There is no Santa Clause. Without children believing or at least wanting to believe that there is such a person then Santa(s) wouldn’t fill the malls at Christmas time. I’m not being defensive. The “article” is from your point of view and that’s fine. I just happen to think that you might as well have railed against the Tooth Fairy and “How dare She break into homes in the middle of the night.” I’m not trying to change your mind. You believe there actually is “a deeper issue here”. There’s nothing to grasp.
Ok, we disagree, then. But we are still talking about two different things. So, before this turns into a mud slinging contest, let me thank you for explaining your position more clearly.
I understand that you are saying that some dominant woman are playing up the female superiority angle because submissive men desire it. No doubt, they are, and a lot of those women are making money off of it.
I don’t have a problem with people playing out their fetishes. I first came in contact with female superiority as a fetish and got off on it. To a submissive male the term is like lightning in a bottle. It strikes deep into his submissive psyche. As I read more of the material and talked to people (mostly women) in this fetish, some call it a lifestyle, it became clear to me that there was something deeper going on.
I began tracing some of the ideas they presented and found that it all comes from radical feminist ideology. Separate the women that enjoy it as a fetish. Some women simply call femdom female supremacy/superiority.
However, there’s another subset of women who really believe their own hype. They are true misandrists. I’ve debated many of them online and I can tell you they are not playing up a fetish angle. They genuinely believe that men are an inferior life form: an imperfect copy of the female, morally and intellectually inferior, disposable and interchangeable, nothing but a teaspoon of sperm in the life process.
Sympathy for this view is even found in the mainstream in women like Hanna Rosin and Dee Dee Myers who contend that men are actually obsolete like an outdated computer, and therefore, disposable or in need of modification. Obsolete to whom and for what? Obviously to women and their needs, as if men have to justify their existence in terms of their usefulness to women.
And you don’t think there’s a deeper issue than a silly little fetish? My position is that this kind of hatred stems from a deep seated inferiority complex in oneself. I’ve already articulated that in my previous comments. I’m not trying to change your mind either, just trying to get you to understand that I’m talking about something completely different than you are. This mindset exists independent of any male desire to worship a woman. Many of these women have no use for men at all. They are not doing it to satisfy their male submissives.
That’s as clear an explanation as I can give you. If you still don’t understand then we’ll have to agree to disagree. As for the Tooth Fairy, the only problem I have with her is that she gives my nephews $2.00 a tooth when she only gave me $0.50. That cheap bitch!
Princess Sheridan
Thanks Pat. xxoo No mud slinging. I hope I wasn’t doing that! You on the other hand would sling feces like the simple minded apes that all men are. Just kidding. But how would you know unless I told you? Don’t answer that :p
Princess Sheridan
I don’t claim to speak for all Femdoms or to be an expert on the legitimacy of Female Supremacy in general. This is just my not so humble opinion. Femdom and Female Supremacy is a niche fetish that some men are drawn towards. It is for them. If there is an inferiority complex it lies within these men and not the Domme. That being said, I do not believe that most have that complex at all. They just check their ego at the door. After I hammer away at a sub and pick him apart, making sure to stomp out any speck of ego that may have remained behind that he forgot to discard himself, I do not proceed to verbally chastise the local bag boy later on at the grocery store. If he said to me, “Please let me pay for your order for I am your lowly servant as are all Women.” then it would be a different story. He doesn’t. He asks me, “Paper or plastic.” BUT do I think all men should treat all women with more respect than they give to their fellow males? Yes I do. Take off your hat in the presence of a Lady. Stand up when a Woman enters a room or leaves a dining table. Open doors for Her. Take off your cloak and place it over a puddle so I don’t get my shoes wet like Sir Fucking Walter Raleigh would do. That’s not Femdom but Female Supremacy at it’s core. Most men have forgotten that. Male submissives bask in the idea that it should be that way for ALL men to act and for All Women to enjoy. A true submissive is a true gentleman. His reward for such chivalry? His reward is to be reminded of this in no uncertain terms and be ordered to perform greater feats of servitude to his particular Mistress that She chooses to test him with. She tests his loyalty to Her beyond and above all other women. She has to because he feels that ALL Women are above him. She…I must stand out. You bet your ass I’m a bitch. A bitch and a half when it comes to someone who desires it more than anything else. He deserves it. He’s earned it. The bag boy? He hasn’t earned it nor did he ask for it. How about a femdom blog about sissification or chastity or corporal punishment and on and on. Female Supremacy is a niche fetish just like all the others. If She doesn’t commit to the idea then the male submissive wouldn’t and shouldn’t be interested in Her and move on to another Femdom better dedicated to the notion of Female Supremacy.
I think you got it backwards when you said:
“Yes some so called dommes are giving bad name to female supremacy.”
Actually, it’s the female supremacy concept that gives a bad name to femdom.
Goddess makes many good points here. Yes some so called dommes are giving bad name to female supremacy. Now I strongly belive in one thing that all women are not Superior. Everyone have to accept this fact now or someday. Thanks Goddess for another Grear article.