I was asked a really good question today by D. What's the difference between a Sugarbaby and Financial Domination? Well there are distinct differences but sometimes people blur those …
Cuckolding for Ladies – You’re Getting Carried Away Girls!
In this first-in-a-series on cuckolding for ladies I'm already reprimanding you guys. ;) But it's very important that this subject gets top billing because it's integral to your …
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How to Find a Pro Domme
Finding just the right Pro Domme is equivalent to finding just the right hairstylist. It takes some time and a bit of trial and error. The most important part is the connection. You have to have a …
What is Financial Domination?
Financial Domination comes from a deep need for a loss of control. Financial Domination can be played in a myriad of ways but the main idea is a dominant woman seductively or harshly …
What is a Cuckold or a Cuckold Relationship?
Cuckolding, when we boil it all down to its basic premise, is when the dominant half of a relationship - and because this site deals with primarily female led relationships I'll use it in that context …
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What Exactly Is a Sexual Fetish?
A sexual fetish put quite simply is sexual arousal that's brought on by objects, body parts or situations that society deems as not normally being sexual in nature. Because psychology has many …
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