I tend to put a lot of focus on the Dommes of financial domination and I think it’s only fair to shed some light on the slave himself. When I was doing financial domination hardcore, and yes I still dabble, I found that you guys who claim to be financial slaves can be some of the most frustrating clients a Domme can have. Why? You’re flaky. So I’ve decided to put in some simple guidelines to follow if you want to get the best experience out of your fetish.
- Make up your mind ahead of time. So many of you ‘think’ you want to be financially dominated when in fact you’re far too afraid. You have to keep in mind that sometimes your fantasies are best left that way, fantasy. Reality can be frightening, and nothing wastes a Domme’s time more than flaky slaves.
- Don’t ask to be blackmailed unless you do. Granted there are many Domme’s who say they’re doing research on you and don’t. However, there are those of us, and I am included in that group, who do the research and the background checks. If you panic when I tell you what I have on you you’re missing the entire point of the experience. Fear! There is a fine line between fear and eroticism, yes it’s scary but that’s the point. For those of you who fall into this group see #1.
- Don’t promise to make a payment and then not do it. You’re only cheating yourself out of the experience. You can’t be financially dominated and not pay.
- Worship 1 Goddess at a time. So many of you guys troll for Dommes and end up spending a little here and a little there. Again, you’re wasting the Domme’s time and you’re ruining the experience for yourself. As I said in the ‘What is Financial Domination?’ post, find one woman who you know you can truly devote your time to and your fetish will be meaningful and very erotic. You’ll also save money in the long run by finding one Goddess to truly worship. Trolling costs money because you spend money on women you have no connection with.
- Follow her rules. Most Dommes have their own set of rules or standards that they are very particular about. Be wise and find them out before you start to worship at her temple. The last thing you want to do is piss off a Financial Dominatrix.
These are just a few of the pet peeves I know get on my nerves. I’m sure that other Domme’s will be more than happy to tell you some of the issues they’ve had in the past. Stay true to your fetish and your fetish will reward you ten fold.
Better still, grow a brain guys, and just don’t do it!
A lot of what You say here is very true. i can see myself in a lot of what You say. That includes both the good and the bad. i have to be better. Thank You
Sound advice Dr. Sue. It could also be said about any type of slave with any fetish. It follows for relationships in general; if you say you’re going to do something, do it! I’m sure flaky guys aren’t limited to Femdom.
What do you mean about Dommes doing research on a slave? I’m just curious because, what can you really find? Background checks won’t give you any confidential information. It won’t tell you their deep dark secrets except if they have a criminal record, in which case, maybe you shouldn’t be playing with them.
Love the Article.. However it was the amazing shade of lipstick on the girl that brought me to it. LOL
There is a list online that is called the wanker list. Whenever a slave is wasting a Domme’s time he gets reported there… Every Domme should know it.
Miss Yasmine can you be so kind as to post the link to the Wanker List for the girls. Actually I have several I could add myself…
Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
Thank you mistress that is very helpful. I have been going from person to person spending lots but not with one mistress.
Wonderful ..thanks a lot for posting a good informitive blog
Thanks DrSue, that is alot of great advice.