Rich asked me about a very good and probably overlooked subject.
…i’m just a little surprised with reading many findom’s journals the amount of these girls who openly talk about the drugs they do…
…is serving a findom that might do drugs, and drugs being of course addictive some of the extreme behavior i see from some findoms towards there owned pets might be fueled by their drug habits?
Since I don’t read all the Financial Domme blogs you guys do I haven’t noticed a trend so I’ll take your word for it Rich as far as this being common. Now I have to say that it would depend on the drugs being used. In my opinion weed has no effect on extreme behavior other than to make you lethargic so I highly doubt marijuana is an issue when it comes to ‘extreme’ behavior. I’m also dealing with a variable with the word ‘extreme’ too. It’s relative to whom-ever is speaking. Is marijuana an addictive drug? Yes however not from the standpoint that the substance itself is addictive it’s based more on behavioral patterns. Is it a gateway drug? Only if you have serious psychological and addiction issues that would lead you to try harder and harder drugs as a form of escape. In my most humble opinion, and based on enormous research done throughout the years, marijuana is harmless!!! So if that’s all these ladies are doing when you reference the drug use then I would have to say that I don’t believe it has any bearing on their extreme behavior.
That said, if they’re doing anything harder such as cocaine, crack, meth, heroin or anything else then yes because these drugs cause personality disorders that could lead to extreme behavior.
What I will say about alleged Domme extreme behavior is this; have you ever considered that you guys are simply pissing her off? Dommes are human like the rest of us. They are subject to mood swings both hormonally and just plain reactive to situations around them. That being said, I have to say that you guys do A LOT to piss Dommes off. Your erratic behavior, wishy-washy attitudes, defiance and worst of all poking us to see if we’ll bite is just plain stupid. You have to realize in most cases we are dealing with very mentally disturbed individuals. Not from the ‘omg this guy needs to be locked up’ disturbed (although we DO deal with those types as well), but if you guys were all fine you wouldn’t be seeking your own ‘extreme’ experiences. Did it ever occur to you that smoking a joint actually keeps these ladies level? Now do I think that they should be publicizing it on a blog? Probably not a bright move but hey it’s their life and if they feel comfortable doing that go right ahead.
The only drug is Me 😉
I’ll prescribe you to all the boys Lea!
I have to agree 100% with it depends on what kind of drugs. I am a medical marijuana patient – meaning I am a frequent marijuana user for the sole purpose of achieving medicinal benefits from the cannobinoids.
Honestly, like you said, when I’ve recently smoked, I find that I am more patient with My pets and potentials.
As for ‘publicizing it on a blog,’ it’s not something I mention really. I respond to others who do sometimes, and since it’s legal in My state I really don’t see any issue if I DID publicize it, but I think that Rich was moreso asking about those who use for the enjoyment that they get from it, assuming he meant marijuana at all.
Great perspective and analysis of this subject. I smoke weed now and then and it is indeed true it stops me from swaying into too extreme moods. Often when feeling on a very extreme mood I would smoke one and it levels me out not to make me feel falsely happy but more accepting of things for how they are. This must be the case for the dom side of things as indeed we are all human…